
We rely on the generous support of individuals and institutional partners to bring courses in theological formation led by experts in the field to churches and parachurches around the country.

You can give a one time or recurring gift below. Thank You for joining us in helping Christians get up and walk in the world.

Give a One Time Gift to Kinisi

Interested in supporting Kinisi in a tangible way? Give a one time gift to fund a specific aspect of our program.

$50.00 (Fund one spiritual direction session for a student)

$300.00 (Fund a fellowship dinner)

$750.00 (Sponsor a student)

$2,500.00 (Sponsor a course)

One time gifts are processed through our stripe. ACH (bank transfer) carries the lowest fee (0.8%, $5 max).
Credit card giving available for a higher fee (2.9% + $0.30).

You may click below to sponsor a course, sponsor a student, or make a gift of any other amount.

Setup a Recurring Donation.

Monthly or quarterly donations are the best way to offer sustained support for our work.

If you would like to be a sustaining donor to support the work of Kinisi you may do so here. Our donation processor Donorbox charges 1.5% fee plus the ACH or credit card fee.

Contact us.

For larger gifts please reach out directly to support the work of Kinisi.